Employees are a subject to human error, emotions or simply carelessness. Cyber criminals frequently exploit those parts of “human firewall” of your organization. Security Awareness training sessions are highly cost effective measures to reduce probability and impact of security breaches of the enterprise through knowledge transfer about the basic security hygiene.

Establishing Security Awareness Program

Continuously train and evaluate your workforce to shape the security culture of the organization.

Delivery Methods

  • Web-Based Training

    With leading security providers.

  • Live Training

    In-person or Webinar

  • Phishing Campaigns

    Periodic testing and training through safe to open phishing emails.


  • Easy to Understand

  • Live demonstrations & examples

  • Testing understanding

Role-Specific Security Awareness and Skills Training

Impact of various roles on the organization varies. Security Awareness Training is tailored to the roles and ranks based on their criticality.




Awareness traing content is tailored specifically to your business requirements

Training courses may include following topics that that cover attack vectors with high probability of occurrence:

  • Social Engineering

  • Data Handling & Protection

  • Phishing

  • Authentication

  • Malware and Ransomware

  • Connectivity Over Insecure Networks

  • Insider Threat

  • Working from Home